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IkerConsulting European and Regional Innovation SL

P2L2 Study Visit in Bordeaux

Last 7th to 9th of November P2L2-Public Policy Living Lab project Partners (Interreg Europe) met in Bordeaux (France) during a Study Visit hosted by Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

During the first day, the participants had the opportunity of analyzing the Nouvelle-Aquitaine innovation ecosystem and the "advanced materials" regional roadmap, its main objectives, main partnership and projects, lessons learned so far as well as future perspectives for its improvement. During the panel debate the consortium met representatives from regional clusters and governance (Aerospace Valley , Pôle Européen de la Céramique, Aquitaine Chimie Durable, ADI-NA).

After the panel debate, the Steering Group Meeting took place, in order to discuss project management, communication, as well as content related issues, including a working session on the preparation of the main outputs (case study, policy brief and regional action plan).

The second day focused on networking between relevant stakeholders from various organizations, such as laboratories (Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques and the Laboratory dedicated to polymers and printable electronic (ELORPrinTec), a Regional Center for technological Development in the fields of Advanced and Nanostructured Materials (CANOE) or SMEs like Stelia aerospace (Former Composites Aquitaine), a regional SME involved in composites parts manufacturing.

On the last day, participants visited the production facilities of three different companies: Ariane Group, Catherineau, a SME specialized in the production of furniture and finishing for luxury aircrafts and boats and RT2I, a SME dedicated to the development of innovative composites process co-operating with TREFLE (an academic laboratory). For finalising the study visit, the consortium met the team of Alpha - Photonics Cluster.

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