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Interreg Europe Programme

IkerConsulting European and Regional Innovation SL


The INTERREG EUROPE Programme is waiting for its formal stamp of approval from the European Commission. The first call for proposals will be launched soon once the programme is approved.

Estimated dates for the call are indicative: The programme expects to launch the call mid-June, and close it one month later. Applications can only be submitted during an 'open' call.

About the Programme

The INTERREG EUROPE programme aims to improve the implementation of regional development policies and programmes, in particular programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs and European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes. Four themes were selected in order to make the best use of limited funds:

  1. Research and Innovation: Under this theme partners can work on Under this theme partners can work on strengthening research & innovation infrastructure and capacities (e.g. improving financial instruments for innovation support) and innovation delivery through regional innovation chains in chosen “smart specialisation” field (e.g. increasing commercialisation of R&D results);

  2. SMEs Competitiveness: This theme allows regions to improve their policies in supporting SMEs in all stages of their life cycle to develop and achieve growth and engage in innovation (e.g. creating and boosting entrepreneurial spirit e.g. responding to obstructions to business growth);

  3. Low-carbon Economy: This theme addresses the transition to a low-carbon economy in all sectors. This could be through policies aimed to raise the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix to promoting multi-modal sustainable transport (e.g. developing regional low-carbon strategies);

  4. Environment and resources efficiency: Two distinct fields are open for cooperation protection & development of natural and cultural heritage (e.g. improving management of regional nature parks transition to a resource-efficient economy, promoting green growth and eco-innovation; e.g. increasing recycling rates among SMEs).

Who can participate?

  • Managing Authorities of Structural Funds programmes: find tried and tested measures to implement in your programme;

  • Regional/local authorities: share and implement good practices coming from across Europe;

  • Agencies, research institutes, thematic policy organisations: get involved with your policymaker and contribute to better policy implementation.

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