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P2L2 Project organised a Study visit in Rzeszów (Poland)

IkerConsulting European and Regional Innovation SL

In November 2016, the Rzeszow University of Technology, together with the Marshal Office of the Region Podkarpackie, hosted a study visit in Rzeszów.

Participants exchanged experiences on the Podkarpackie RIS 3 policy instrument with representatives of the regional ecosystems like the Aviation Valley Association and the Rzeszow Innovation Agency, one of the biggest clusters in Poland. The hosting partners offered a comprehensive overview on the best regional practices. The Podkarpackie Innovation Council and the Aviation Valley explained their connection with the regional strategy for advanced materials.

The study visit benefitted from the participation of experts in R&D, innovation, and regional policy like Mr Krzysztof Mieszkowski from the Joint Research Centre in Seville.

Partners visited research and production facilities of important players of the aviation valley like Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky a Lockheed Martin Company, the laboratories of the Rzeszow Technical University, Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park “AEROPOLIS” and a vocational training center that builds capacities and talent for the regional economy.

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