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IkerConsulting European and Regional Innovation SL

P2L2 Study Visit in Aarhus (Denmark)

Last 27th to 29th of June P2L2-Public Policy Living Lab project Partners (Interreg Europe) met in Aarhus (Denmark) during a Study Visit hosted by the Danish Agency for Innovation and Educational Grants Research and (DAEIG). During these days, project partners from Bremen (DE), Nouvelle Aquitaine (FR), Podkarpackie (PL), Piemonte (IT), Denmark and Lithuania had the opportunity of sharing policy learning experiences around the Danish innovation ecosystem, their Operational Programme (2014-2020) and a concrete policy instrument: The Danish Cluster Strategy.

Study Visit in Aarhus by Kasper Bosek

During two and a half days of intensive exchange, the partners identified good practices to become a benchmark inspiring policy improvements in the participating regions. In addition, the project met representatives of policy makers and responsible organizations for the implementation of research and innovation strategies (Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the Danish Business Authority, Central Denmark Region,) research (Danish Technological Institute, Nanoscience Center, Aarhus University) and industrial representatives (Danish Materials Network, Censec - center for Defense, Space and Security, and Inno-Pro, and companies like Advance Nonwoven, Terma or Lego) active in new materials and advanced manufacturing, among others.

After the study visit, visiting partners will process all the information received, provide input to the hosting partners for making real policy learning exchange happen.

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